Message from the Director

“As 2016 draws to a close, I have been reflecting on a year that has been at times inspiring and at times troubling, both nationally and on the global stage. Of course, of particular interest to me and my colleagues is the events of the year that have had implications for children and families.” Read Professor Frank Oberklaid’s end of year reflection.

PEDS eLearning

Two new eLearning courses are now available for practitioners, both experienced and those new to Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS). Watch a demonstration.

The changing nature of children’s health

Read a selection of articles on the social determinants of health published by Croakey between 2010 and 2016 including a story with Professor Frank Oberklaid about the changing nature of children’s health.

When doctors and parents disagree

Hear from Associate Professor Jill Sewell, CCCH Deputy Director, about the challenges clinicians face when determining the best treatment for children.