Reimagining the early childhood system

Two reviews prepared by the Centre for Community Child Health on behalf of Social Ventures Australia explore the potential of holistic, integrated early learning service models for improving outcomes for children and their families who are experiencing vulnerability.

Funding boosts

We are pleased to announce funding boosts to several CCCH projects.

Supporting Schools in a time of COVID-19

Supporting Schools in a time of COVID-19 is a free online professional learning opportunity to help primary school educators support mental health and wellbeing. 

GenV launches at more hospitals

More than 5,000 participants (babies and parents) have joined GenV — one of the world’s largest birth and parent cohort studies that aims to transform the health and wellbeing of an entire generation.

Co-design of a child and family hub model

The Centre of Research Excellence (CRE) in Childhood Adversity and Mental Health is working to co-design, test and evaluate an integrated child and family hub for families.