About our CRE

CRE – Its purpose is to generate research to drive investment in neglected areas of adolescent health (mental health, non-communicable disease risk, injury and violence) including groups experiencing significant discrimination or disadvantage specifically, Indigenous young people and young people in contact with the justice system. 

Congratulations Dr Nadarajaw

Congratulations to Dr Thiyagar Nadarajaw who was awarded ‘Outstanding Asian Pediatrician’ by the Asia Pacific Pediatric Association.

Global Adolescent Health short course

Missing the culture exchange of an overseas holiday? Connect with international peers while learning about adolescent health in our Global Adolescent Health short course.

Launch the teleconsultation guide

The guidance is intended to be relevant in countries where teleconsultation is already used and in countries in which teleconsultation systems are being strengthened.

New report from the Wellbeing Health and Youth Commissioners

The WH&Y Commission report 2021 Youth health, research and policy priorities and concerns outlines youth perspectives on top health issues, research and policy priorities as well as principles and strategies to address youth health concerns.

Drowning on the rise

With over half of all global drowning deaths occur among children and young people under the age of 25, something needs to be done.