CRE Youth Advocates TEam
Meet the CRE Youth Advocates TEam (CREYATE)
Meet the CRE Youth Advocates TEam (CREYATE)
The CATS team caught up with some of its participants to celebrate 10 years of CATS. Check it out!
Postgraduate studies in Adolescent Health and Wellbeing – Welcome and Graduation Celebration
CRE – Its purpose is to generate research to drive investment in neglected areas of adolescent health (mental health, non-communicable disease risk, injury and violence) including groups experiencing significant discrimination or disadvantage specifically, Indigenous young people and young people in contact with the justice system.
Congratulations to Dr Thiyagar Nadarajaw who was awarded ‘Outstanding Asian Pediatrician’ by the Asia Pacific Pediatric Association.
Sustained COVID-19 lockdowns in prisons weigh on the mental health of people in custody. Are we doing enough to protect them?
School connectedness, anxiety and depression: recent evidence and young people’s perspectives #ActiveIngredientsMH
Missing the culture exchange of an overseas holiday? Connect with international peers while learning about adolescent health in our Global Adolescent Health short course.
The 8 deadly days of Christmas: how to stay safe from drowning in Australia this summer.
The guidance is intended to be relevant in countries where teleconsultation is already used and in countries in which teleconsultation systems are being strengthened.