Updated CPG: Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT)
Supraventricular tachycardia was an existing RCH CPG and will be considered for PIC endorsement in February 2022
Supraventricular tachycardia was an existing RCH CPG and will be considered for PIC endorsement in February 2022
Antibiotic allergy is a new CPG and will be considered for PIC endorsement in February 2022
Antenatal urinary tract dilation is a new CPG and will be considered for PIC endorsement in February 2022
Procedural sedation is a new CPG and will be considered for PIC endorsement in February 2022
Ketamine use for procedural sedation was an existing PIC CPG and will be considered for continued PIC endorsement in February 2022
Nitrous oxide – oxygen mix was an existing RCH CPG and will be considered for PIC endorsement in February 2022