Behaviour development

In the first few years, children’s development is rapid and they are constantly learning new skills. These new skills, knowledge and abilities affect their behaviour. Read our new editions of Community Paediatric Review and Grow & Thrive for tips on supporting children’s behaviour development.

Congratulations Jon!

Dr Jon Quach, a long-standing CCCH researcher, was recently awarded the Early Career Researcher prize at the Melbourne University Graduate School of Education.

Brilliant Minds

As well as being a department of The Royal Children’s Hospital, the Centre for Community Child Health is a research department of Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2016. To celebrate this significant milestone, MCRI has released Brilliant Minds as a snapshot of its researchers’ work.

CCCH goes to PAS

In 2016, CCCH sent its largest cohort ever to the annual Pediatric Academic Societies meeting.

Everyone benefits

The early years are a unique opportunity to amplify outcomes for all children so that they can become healthy and contributing adults.

Preschool matters – for Australia’s future

Starting school is a major milestone in a child’s life. Making that transition successfully has lasting implications for children’s academic and occupational success. Sadly, in Australia many children do not make a successful transition to school.