A GenV milestone

GenV (short for Generation Victoria) is a statewide research program aiming to solve problems facing children and parents, with equity and inclusivity at its heart. Families from all backgrounds, cultures, and communities across Victoria are invited.

Parents with a child born between Oct-2021 and Oct-2023 and live in Victoria can join at any time. Taking part is simple. Most of GenV happens in the background, so takes little of families’ time.

GenV recently celebrated 100,000 children, parents and caregivers joining!

Already one of the biggest child and parent cohort studies in the world – the more families that join, the bigger our impact can be. Every family matters.

GenV is beginning to deliver impact through integrated studies. This includes a state-wide hip dysplasia registry for better prediction, treatments and outcomes and finding ways to eliminate the impacts (deafness and disability) of congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV).

It’s never too late to join this landmark study led from the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) at The Royal Children’s Hospital, with partners across Victoria.

Together, let’s make this our healthiest generation ever.

Questions, want to support your patients or want to join? Please contact genv@mcri.edu.au

To learn more please visit genv.org.au

Genv graphic thanks 100,000 participants

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