CCCH policy and advocacy impact

Our policy submissions have been referenced in recent government reports and recommendations including the Parliamentary Inquiry into School Refusal and the South Australian Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education and Care.

As we are presented with a unique policy reform environment relating to children’s development and wellbeing, CCCH has been active in ensuring government has access to evidence-informed solutions to drive change for children and their families. We’re pleased that our submissions have informed recent government reports and recommendations.

South Australian Royal Commission into Early Child Education and Care

Building on the recommendations of the Interim Report, we’re encouraged that the final report recognises the importance of stacking multiple evidence-based services in the early years to improve children’s outcomes in the first 1000 days, referencing the work of the Centre’s Restacking the Odds initiative. Building on the work of Restacking and others, we support the Commission’s recommendation for South Australian children at risk of developmental vulnerability to access additional hours of three and four-year old preschool. A copy of and Prof Sharon Goldfeld’s submission on Restacking the Odds and her oral evidence at the Royal Commission can be viewed here.

Our submission highlighting the importance of services that promote caring relationship-based services and positive social environments for families, (pg 67) was also quoted as part of enablers for successful service integration. We’re pleased that the National Child and Family Hubs Network’s recommendation, alongside other key agencies, of the importance of place-based, integrated child and family centres or hubs to enhance service system response in the early years and investment in the ‘the glue’ was also mentioned multiple times throughout the report. ‘The glue’ is the unfunded work of services and educators that enable families to engage in ECEC and access other community-based supports families may need. The National Child and Family Hubs Network is convened by the Centre and MCRI.

Overall, we support the Commission’s commitment to reduce developmental vulnerability and commend the work of the Commission for articulating a clear path toward improving developmental outcomes for South Australian children.

For more information on our submission, contact Prof Sharon Goldfeld,

Parliamentary Inquiry into National Trend of School Refusal

In August, the Australian Senate Inquiry into national trend of school refusal and other matters released their 14 recommendations and final report. Pleasingly, two of the Centre’s recommendations were included in the final set of recommendations – the development of a National Action Plan on school refusal (R2) and that the Australian Government work with States/Territories to identify and promote effective models for collaboration between education and health sectors in relation to school refusal (R12).

Our submission was cited 12 times in the report, across key areas of:

  • the importance of co-design and lived experience in informing and developing flexible approaches to school refusal
  • the importance for early intervention for children with learning difficulties and mental health challenges and for teachers to be supported in early intervention
  • the importance of engaging children in the years before school in learning to enhance school engagement
  • new models of care to support children at-risk of disengaging from school highlighting the work of the Centre’s Learning Difficulties Clinic
  • the opportunity the next National School Reform Agreement presents in prioritising student wellbeing as integral to school engagement and learning.

For more information on our submission please contact Rachel Whiffen, Mental Health Advocacy Lead,

Read our submissions

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