Covid update

Read the guest editorial by Prof Sawyer in the latest edition of the COVID-19 Kids Evidence Update.

Adolescence and the next generation

Re-promoting a past feature article, global megatrends are changing patterns of #adolescent health, development and wellbeing: this has implications for the healthy start to life for the #nextgeneration.

middle years policy brief

Researchers call for policy shift to focus on middle years of schooling News in brief: A significant number of students in the middle school years across Australia have emotional and behavioural problems and experience high rates of bullying that can negatively impact their long-term health and learning The policy brief stated the added challenges of … Continued

The Missing Middle Webinar

Watch the webinar from our first virtual Catalysing Connections for Adolescent Health and Wellbeing event, ‘The Missing Middle: The Importance of the Middle Years’ on Thursday 15th October.

JHU submission

The Justice Health Group has lodged a submission into the Inquiry into family, domestic and sexual violence. Read more here.

Adolescent wellbeing

How do the 5 domains of #AdolescentWellbeing play a role in your life, or the lives of those around you? Read more here.

Farewell Charmaine

The CAH team wishes Charmaine happy retirement via Zoom….