Homelessness and violence

For young people experiencing homelessness, violence and its threat can become a daily issue of survival and protection. Read more about Dr Heerde and Dr Pallotta-Chiarolli’s work.

Middle years

Once considered a latent period, the transition from primary school to secondary school is now thought to be critical in the health and emotional development of students. Listen to the podcast and/or read the interview with Professor George Patton.

Monitoring the missing half

Adolescent births in Australia have fallen to an all-time low. However, the lack of national data means that we cannot tell whether this decrease reflects lower rates of conception or higher rates of abortion.

Mental health of mothers

Does the mental health of mothers before pregnancy predict emotional sensitivity in their children?

Re-thinking our definition of adolescence

Adolescence has changed significantly in the last century. Professor Susan Sawyer is working to improve our understanding of the contemporary complexities of this age group.

The importance of your child’s middle years

In an interview with Pursuit, Dr Lisa Mundy discusses the need to better understand a child’s middle years – between ages eight and 12 – and how transformative the changes are.