Latest edition of Childcare & Children’s Health out now!
The December edition of Childcare & Children’s Health is on resilience. Download the latest edition here. A parent fact, translated in various languages is also available.
The December edition of Childcare & Children’s Health is on resilience. Download the latest edition here. A parent fact, translated in various languages is also available.
The CCCH’s Rachel Robinson from the Let’s Read initiative has met with Dolly Parton – a surprising ambassador for children’s literacy.
The Raising Children Network (RCN) has won the 2011 Australian Web Award in the Not for Profit category.
Our paediatricians have two articles in September’s edition of Australian Family Physician.
An article in the Herald Sun is encouraging parents to follow the advice of the Raising Children Network and read to their babies from an early age.
An article on the importance of children’s first years of life has been published in The Australian. In the article, director of the Centre for Community Child Health, Professor Frank Oberklaid says, ‘We know absolutely that learning starts at birth.”
The Victorian State Government has announced further funding to continue state-wide infant hearing screening program.
The Raising Children Network has been awarded ‘Best in Class’ at the Interactive Media Awards.
A study on parent perceptions of child obesity has been published in the International Journal of Pediatric Obesity.The CCCH’s Professor Melissa Wake spoke to the media about the study’s finding.
The next R.E. Ross Trust seminar is on Memory, Attention, Trauma and Learning: translating research into educational practice. Monday 29 August, 2011.