Grow & Thrive – new publication for early years educators
Sign up now to the Centre for Community Child Health’s new online publication for early years educators.
Sign up now to the Centre for Community Child Health’s new online publication for early years educators.
The latest edition of Community Paediatric Review is now available. This edition looks at ‘Improving child and family health services for families most in need’ and ‘Building positive relationships with families’.
Proceedings from the Centre’s Place-based initiatives transforming communities roundtable have been published.
Naomi Eisenstadt, Senior Research Fellow in Education and Social Policy, University of Oxford presented at the CCCH Seminar Series on ECEC and social inclusion.
Almost 47,000 children start prep with behavioural and other developmental problems. Dr Sharon Goldfeld spoke to The Age about the burden on schools to address children’s health needs and the importance of reducing health inequalities.
This edition suggests the need for increased awareness of children’s mental health and the importance of early prevention and intervention.
The Centre for Community Child Health (CCCH) brought together a group of experts to discuss place-based approaches for improving the lives of children and families in Australia at a roundtable discussion on 22 March.
Australian and international experts in child language development discussed what’s new in child language research at the most recent ‘Early Years: from research to policy to practice’ seminar, held on Friday 30 March. Presentations will be available shortly.
The latest edition of Community Paediatric Review is out now. This edition is on epigenetics.
The latest Policy Brief, ‘Place-based approaches to supporting children and families’, is now available.