eLearning Excellence Awards

The Let’s Read eLearning course has been nominated as a finalist for this year’s 2013 eLearning Industry Association of Victoria eLearning Excellence Awards!

Safe infant sleep strategies

A new Research Snapshot demonstrating the long-term safety of infant sleep strategies, such as camping out and controlled comforting, is out now.

Child health in the 21st century

Watch the Centre’s Director, Professor Frank Oberklaid discussing the challenges and opportunities in child health in the 21st century.

Grow & Thrive out now

This edition looks looks at practical ways to help children and their families make movement and exercise a part of everyday life.

NHMRC awards: Prof Melissa Wake

Congratulations to Professor Melissa Wake on her two National Health and Medical Research Council awards.

Policy Brief out now

The latest edition of Policy Brief considers the evidence around quality early childhood education and care, its implications and considerations for policy and programs

Place-based reform to shape change

A new report has revealed insights into how a place-based approach to service and system reform can be used to make a difference to children’s outcomes.

Childhood obesity linked to disadvantage

Childhood obesity is linked with disadvantage, a new paper shows. Children from low socioeconomic backgrounds are nearly four times more likely to be obese throughout childhood than the most affluent.