Community engagement for kids and families
Learn how greater levels of community engagement can enhance the design and delivery of services. Read the report.
Learn how greater levels of community engagement can enhance the design and delivery of services. Read the report.
In an average school classroom, one out of every five children is likely to have some form of additional health and developmental need.
Professor Frank Oberklaid urges action to be taken to address the fact that one in five children start their school life developmentally vulnerable.
Director Frank Oberklaid addresses an Early Childhood Roundtable ahead of the release of the Senate Standing Committee on Education and Employment’s Report on the Family Assistance Legislation Amendment (Jobs for Families Child Care Package) Bill 2015.
‘We particularly welcome the call for increased focus on early detection of risks and emerging issues’ – Professor Frank Oberklaid.
Professor Sharon Goldfeld spoke on the ABC’s Life Matters program about the latest Australian Early Development Census results.
More than 96% of Australian schools took part in the 2015 Australian Early Development Census. Results now available.
Sharpen your skills in managing complex evaluation, and deepen your understanding of methods to evaluate progress and impact. 16-17 March, register now!
The Centre for Community Child Health is focused on raising awareness and building understanding of infant and child mental health. Read our latest resources for professionals and families, and find out more about building a child mental health framework for Australia.
Professor Melissa Wake spoke to the ABC’s Dr Norman Swan about the success of universal newborn hearing screening and what else needs to be done.