New report shines light on the health & development of country kids
The CCCH review reveals themes, challenges and opportunities for rural and remote Australia.
The CCCH review reveals themes, challenges and opportunities for rural and remote Australia.
CCCH-led research into working memory and learning has been awarded as ’10 of the best’ for 2016 by NHRMC.
The State of Early Learning in Australia 2017 report indicates that some children continue to miss out on accessing high-quality early learning.
CCCH is leading the evaluation of Goodstart’s Enhancing Children’s Outcomes (EChO) program.
Learn how we helped Melbourne Children’s campus translate knowledge into practice, policy and impact.
“When children’s brains are developing, that’s the time we can really make a difference”, Professor Sharon Goldfeld.
More than 300 participants attended this one day event on Thursday 29 June; showcasing international and local practice around the collaborative use of evidence and data to support improved outcomes for children and young people. The presentations and videos are now available online.
The Hon Jenny Mikakos MP, Victorian Minister for Children and Families, today launched Laying the Foundations eLearning.
Build your understanding of early childhood learning and development from 0-8 years.
What environmental conditions do children need and what can we do to provide them?