Past Events from May 11, 2017 – July 14, 2016 – Centre for Community Child Health

Child Public Health

The Child Public Health Professional Development Program is offered as a Masters level subject through the University of Melbourne, but is also open to professionals who are interested in completing the course as part of their continued professional development.


Family-centred practice

This two-day interactive workshop invites participants to identify and explore the rationale of working in partnership with families and the elements and characteristics of family-centred practice. The workshop encourages participants to identify and explore opportunities and strategies that strengthen the application of family-centred behaviour in their practice and in their service/ organisation.


Paediatric Professional Development Program

This year’s PDP focusses on early childhood, especially on preschool-age children, who are often referred to community paediatricians with developmental and behavioural concerns.


Exploring self-care

This workshop invites early years and health practitioners to explore emotional wellbeing and its impact on working effectively with families, children and colleagues.


Family Partnership Facilitator Course

The aim of this course is to enable those who have completed the Family Partnership Foundation course to become Family Partnership Foundation course facilitators.


Family Partnership Foundation Course

This course explores the evidence-based Family Partnership Model and uses activities to build participants' skills.

$1380 – $1450

Engaging families: Building and sustaining helpful relationships with parents

This one day workshop will explore the concept of parent engagement from the perspective of families who are service resistant. The workshop will help practitioners to engage, and to identify and employ strategies that promote and support parent engagement within and across services.


Family Partnership Reflective Practice Workshop

This one-day workshop is a follow-up to the five- day Family Partnership Foundation Course and will explore reflective practice as a strategy for keeping helpful change at the forefront of family partnership practice.

$260 – $337