Disadvantage and development
Disadvantage can have a lasting impact on almost a third of Australian children.
Disadvantage can have a lasting impact on almost a third of Australian children.
The Centre is a proud supporter of the declaration, pledging a commitment and determination to improving children’s outcomes.
As well as being a department of The Royal Children’s Hospital, the Centre for Community Child Health is a research department of Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2016. To celebrate this significant milestone, MCRI has released Brilliant Minds as a snapshot of its researchers’ work.
The early years are a unique opportunity to amplify outcomes for all children so that they can become healthy and contributing adults.
Follow us on Twitter – @CCCH_AU – and sign up to our mailing lists to be the first to hear about the Centre’s research and projects, new publications, and upcoming training and events.
Brain Builders presents the science of how children’s brains develop, using animation to make the complex simple and accessible.
In this edition, find out about father-inclusive practice and the latest on asthma management.
On Monday August 18, CCCH Director Professor Frank Oberklaid and Dr Tim Moore presented to the Public Hearing of the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Childcare and Early Learning. The transcript is now available for download.
An upcoming webinar will use cases to demonstrate common tools for describing and classifying movement disorders and functional abilities in children with cerebral palsy.
An upcoming webinar will look at ‘Social communication and verbal behaviours in children with autism spectrum disorder’.