Every Toddler Talking is a key initiative of the Victorian Government Department of Education and Training’s Early Years Strategic Plan 2014-2020 to improve language and communication outcomes for babies and toddlers. Every Toddler Talking will strengthen early childhood educators’ ability to promote children’s language development (birth to three) and improve collaboration between early childhood educators, allied health and other early childhood professionals.
Phase One of Every Toddler Talking is a review of evidence-based practices internationally and current practices in Victoria to inform the design of the Every Toddler Talking trial. The Department has partnered with Murdoch Childrens Research Institute to conduct Phase One, which includes a survey and in-depth interviews.
Every Toddler Talking Survey
Murdoch Childrens Research Institute is undertaking a survey on behalf of the Department of Education and Training to investigate how professionals across education and allied health currently support babies’ and toddlers’ language and communication in Victoria. The findings from this survey will be used by the Department to design programs that will assist professionals to support babies’ and toddlers’ language and communication. Participation in this survey is voluntary. It takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.
If you would like to participate in the survey go to: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ETTsurvey. The survey is open until Tuesday 24th February 2015.
Every Toddler Talking Interviews
In addition to the state-wide survey, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute will be conducting phone interviews with selected professionals to capture examples of innovative practice across education and allied health which seek to promote babies’ and toddlers’ language and communication. The findings from the interviews will be used by the Department to design programs that will assist professionals to support babies’ and toddlers’ language and communication.
If you would like to alert the project team to an innovative activity in Victoria focused on babies’ and toddler’s language and communication, please contact kate.bradney@mcri.edu.au
For more information
If you have any questions about the project, please contact Rebecca Fry, Project Manager, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute at rebecca.fry@mcri.edu.au.