Researchers in Residence

The Centre has launched a new initiative that places researchers in community organisations to support evidence-informed decision-making and service improvement.

The Researcher in residence (RIR) program aims to make evidence available and actionable in community organisations to inform service model design and practice. The program also aims to generate evidence about what works in these organisations to engage and support children and families, particularly those experiencing adversity and disadvantage.

The RIR program focuses on collaboration, active participation of stakeholders, and a commitment to shared learning. The researchers in these roles will also help to build a learning system and culture in these organisations, supporting them to continue to be responsive to the needs of children and families.

Optimising Child and Family Hubs

In partnership with the Brian M Charitable Foundation, Sunraysia Community Health Service, IPC Health and DPV Health, the Centre has embedded two researchers across these three Victorian Community Health Services. The program will support the development and growth of Child and Family Hub models that integrate child and family health and social support services to better address the difficulties facing children and families.

Strengthening place-based approaches

The Centre’s partnership with Key Assets Australia (KAA) enables a researcher to be embedded within KAA to support the organisation’s place-based and early intervention work.

The Researcher in Residence and KAA staff will work together to mobilise evidence to strengthen the design and delivery of efforts to support children and families in the community. This includes the use of place-based approaches, such as community engagement, co-design and co-delivery, and the application of evidence-based integrated service models and their elements.

To find out more about the RIR program contact the RIR Program leads,

Dr Suzy Honisett and Lauren Heery:

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