New website: Restacking the Odds

Restacking the Odds (RSTO), a project helping early childhood development services to use timely data to make a difference for children and families, has just launched a brand-new website.

This website aims to keep communities, service providers and policymakers updated on the RSTO program and provide resources to help optimise five key early years services (antenatal care, early childhood education and care, the early years of school, sustained nurse home visiting, and parenting programs).

Since 2016, RSTO has examined how inequity could be reduced by ensuring that children and families can access a combination of high-quality evidence-informed services where and when they need them.

RSTO are currently in the action phase of the project and working closely with communities and service providers to make it easy for early years services to use data to improve areas that can make a difference for children and families. Specifically, we’re co-designing technology and other resources and approaches to help services take steps to enhance service quality, quantity and participation. In strengthening these areas, we enable fairer and more effective early years services.

View the RSTO website

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