Improving kindergarten participation

How can quality improvement help to overcome barriers to participation in kindergarten? See the new Best Start publication and video series.

Promising Practice in Best Start series 

The Promising Practice in Best Start series captures what is being learnt through the long-standing relationship between the Centre for Community Child Health and the Victorian Department of Education’s Best Start initiative. The series has released its latest publication: Ideas for improving kindergarten participation. View the publication.

Participation in early years services supports children’s healthy growth, development and wellbeing. Best Start partnerships across Victoria use an improvement science approach to increase participation in universal early years services. This involves exploring the root causes of low participation, identifying possible solutions and then testing these through multiple Plan-Do-Study-Act (PSDA) cycles.

The latest publication shares how three Best Start sites – at Casey, Ballarat and Delkaia – worked to improve kindergarten participation in 2022. It outlines what they found worked to support children and families’ participation in early years services, and the enablers of their improvement work.

How can you use quality improvement to increase participation in early years services? 

This video series provides an orientation for staff new to the Best Start facilitator role and those new to supporting Best Start facilitators, about the improvement approach that underpins implementation of the Best Start initiative. The content from this video series is drawn from the Best Start Improvement Approach Guide. Access the video series.

Check out the Best Start project for more information and resources.




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