CCCH Paediatric Fellows

We warmly welcome our new fellows who will spend a year undertaking advanced training at the Centre and in a community health setting to become consultant paediatricians specialising in community child health. 

Around 10–15 per cent of the children in our communities experience developmental or behavioural issues, and these children make up over 50 per cent of the caseload in general paediatric care (the recent increase in children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder is an excellent example of this area of need).

The paediatricians trained at the Centre are at the forefront of providing assessment, management and long-term care for these children and their families.

As a leader in developmental and behavioural paediatrics, the Centre provides theoretical and clinical training for paediatric trainees that would enable them to complete their training and serve their community into the future.

The fellows complete the Victorian Training Program in Community Child Health. The program equips advanced trainees who are preparing to become consultant paediatricians with the knowledge and skills to provide care for children with developmental, behavioural and psychosocial problems, in the context of their family and their community.

The Program provides one year of training within the six-year paediatric training program (with an option for a second year as the Senior CCCH fellow for CCH trainees).

The program covers four main components:

  • clinical experience at CCCH and the community
  • seminar based learning
  • direct clinical supervision
  • exposure to research, health service development, policy and advocacy roles of CCCH.

CCCH 2023 Paediatric Fellows

  • Dr Elise D’Abaco – CCCH Senior Fellow.
  • Dr Anita Clarke – CCCH Fellow
  • Dr Kat Blaze – CCCH Fellow
  • Dr Kate Monagle –Wimmera Telehealth Fellow
  • Dr Li Lian Kuan – CCCH Fellow
  • Dr Lynda Chin – CCCH Fellow
  • Dr Maya de la Lande – CCCH Fellow
  • Dr Michal Bloch – CCCH Fellow
  • Dr Sally Egan – CCCH Fellow
  • Dr Victoria Heaton – CCCH Fellow

As well as our CCCH Honorary and Honorary International Paediatric-Fellows:

  • Dr Wee Vien Khoo – International Honorary Fellow visiting from Malaysia
  • Jing Wen Ching – LD Provisional Psychologist from Melbourne University.

More information

For more information about the Centre’s Clinical Services visit

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