Planning a holiday with children

With summer just around the corner, many people have started to think about their annual summer holiday. But holidays with children can need extra planning. has lots of practical resources that help parents understand and meet their children’s needs when travelling away from home.

Holidays are about having fun, relaxing and getting away from the daily grind. But although holidays are exciting, some children do get nervous about the break from routine. Planning and preparation can help family travel go smoothly – and can also help parents to be flexible when they need to be.


Whether it’s beach time, a bush walk or camping, thinking about the type of holiday their family might like can help parents plan a holiday that’s fun for everyone. And if children are old enough, asking them to help with the planning can get them interested and excited.

It can also be helpful for parents to explain to children what they can expect when travelling. For example, ‘We’re going to drive there. We’ll leave after breakfast and we’ll get there at dinner time.’

These articles have information and tips for the exciting planning stage:


When it comes to the practical side of travelling, there’s a lot to consider – from breastfeeding and travelling to how to keep children entertained in the car or plane. These resources can help:

There are also tips for international travel with children.

How much sleep children get is another key consideration. Lack of sleep can make it harder for them – and for everyone – to enjoy the trip. This article provides tips to help children sleep well while travelling:

Being flexible

Despite the best planning there will be times when parents need to be flexible. Derek McCormack, Director of Raising Children Network says, “The most important thing during the holiday season when travelling with children is to plan and be flexible.” That way parents are able to meet the needs of their children on holiday – so that everyone can relax and enjoy the trip.

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