Early childhood intervention

Dr Tim Moore is part of a group that has launched a new organisation for Professionals and Researchers in Early Childhood Intervention (PRECI).

The organisation – Professionals and Researchers in Early Childhood Intervention (PRECI) – aims to establish links among practitioners, researchers, government departments, and relevant international organisations for collaborative research, knowledge sharing and peer support.

PRECI’s website (www.preci.org.au) has details of the organisation’s activities and the resources developed so far. These include research snapshots, which provide summaries of current ECI research.

Inaugural National Conference

PRECI ran a successful inaugural national conference last week. Launched by disability advocate Rhonda Galbally, the online conference was held over one and half days, and featured keynote presentations from Professor Peter Rosenbaum (McMaster University, Canada), Professor Bonnie Keilty (City University of New York), John Forster (CEO, Noah’s Ark) and Tim Moore (Tim’s presentation was entitled Research, practice and policy: An agenda for early childhood intervention in Australia.)

There were also presentations from Professor Andrew Whitehouse (Telethon Kids), Professor Katrina Williams (Monash University), and Professor Gerald Mahoney (Case Western Reserve University, Ohio), as well as 19 concurrent sessions.

Recordings of all presentations will be available on PRECI’s website shortly.

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