Everyone benefits

The early years are a unique opportunity to amplify outcomes for all children so that they can become healthy and contributing adults.

Quality early learning gives a greater return on investment than any program offered later in life. It provides significant social and economic benefits for all Australians – whether they have children or not. Quality early learning for all Australia’s children also offers a chance to break the cycle of disadvantage, which affects so many children and families.

Unfortunately, we know that there are a lot of Australian children who start school behind. The latest AEDC showed that 1 in every 5 children started school developmentally vulnerable; it’s 2 in every 5 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.

ELEB-Infographics-v2_Page_1The Early Learning, Everyone Benefits campaign, which launched last week in Brisbane, wants the benefits of early learning to be part of life for all Australian children. The campaign is supported by CCCH and other leading early childhood organisations and, in this election year, is seeking to get increased access to early childhood education on the political agenda, and improve Australia’s future prosperity.

You can show your support for the campaign by signing up at www.everyonebenefits.org.au and following the campaign on Twitter @ELEBcampaign

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