Overbranded, Underprotected

Industry self-regulation is failing to protect Australian children and adolescents from unhealthy food marketing

Global Adolescent Health short course

Time to enrol in the University of Melbourne’s and the Centre’s Global Adolescent Health short course! Course starts Monday 30 July.

Adult consequences of adolescent drinking

Frequency of alcohol consumption in adolescent years is just as likely as binge drinking and problem drinking, to predict alcohol related problems in adulthood.

Kenya Paediatric Association

Professor Susan Sawyer was delighted to be a guest speaker at the Kenya Paediatric Association annual scientific conference in Mombasa in late April.

Pregnancy and dad’s mental health

Men with histories of adolescent and young adult common mental disorders were 4x more likely to experience mental health problems during their partner’s pregnancy.

RCH National Child Health Poll

The latest RCH National Child Health Poll focused on understanding parent’s knowledge, attitudes and experiences related to bullying and their child/adolescent. Read more here.

Farewell to Andrea Krelle

We will soon farewell Andrea Krelle who has spent a total of 16 years at the Centre for Adolescent Health, a period in which she has demonstrated remarkable versatility. Following her initial career in teaching she switched to health education, first working with the Centre for Adolescent Health in a drug education role within the … Continued