Monitoring the missing half

Adolescent births in Australia have fallen to an all-time low. However, the lack of national data means that we cannot tell whether this decrease reflects lower rates of conception or higher rates of abortion.

Be You Webinar

Dr Lisa Mundy joins the ‘Be You – In Focus webinar’ providing practical tips and strategies to support the whole school community through the primary to secondary school transition phase.

Mental health of mothers

Does the mental health of mothers before pregnancy predict emotional sensitivity in their children?

Too young for Facebook… old enough for prison?

You’re invited to a special seminar: “Too young for Facebook… old enough for prison? The case for raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility” on Thursday 13th June, 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm in the Ella Latham Auditorium, Royal Children’s Hospital.

Alumni – We need you!

Our alumni consist of 660 past students that have completed the Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma or Masters in Adolescent Health and Wellbeing. This year we plan to contact our alumni in order to enhance the benefits of our courses. 

Young People’s Health Service

The Young People’s Health Service (YPHS) provides primary health care and opportunistic and strategic health interventions to adolescents and young adults (12 – 24 years) who are homeless and / or marginalised.