COVID-19 and detention
The Justice Health Unit is convening a series of six webinars on the theme of Building a sustainable, comprehensive response to COVID-19 in relation to detention.
The Justice Health Unit is convening a series of six webinars on the theme of Building a sustainable, comprehensive response to COVID-19 in relation to detention.
We’re delighted to announce a once-off opportunity, mid-year enrolments are NOW OPEN for postgraduate studies in Adolescent Health and Wellbeing.
Celebrating the launch of the ‘Joining the Dots Transition Guide for Schools.’ A practical, digital resource for all school educators (transition coordinators) and wellbeing staff.
A guide for parents of adolescents. Professor George Patton and Dr Lisa Mundy – provide tips on positive change, creating new routines and dealing with disruption in school.
Congratulations again to Professor Sawyer AM and to all Australians honoured in the 2020 Queen’s Birthday Honours.
Are you parenting secondary school-aged children during COVID-19? Professor Susan Sawyer and Dr Rohan Borschmann provide useful tips on anxiety, boundary pushing and talking to teenagers.
Locked down? Sign up for a free online six-week Massive Open Online Course in Global Adolescent Health.
At this stage, we are still hoping to host two Catalysing Connections events in the latter half of 2020.
Read the submission to a review of the criminal age of responsibility in Australia, by the Justice Health Unit at CAH, MCRI and the University of Melbourne.
New study on Chinese infectious diseases in children and adolescents highlights a need for ongoing surveillance, preparedness and rapid responses to unpredictable and seasonal novel infections.