Time is brain: Optimising the acute diagnosis and management of childhood stroke

In this Grand Round, Associate Professor Mark Mackay will present advances in acute stroke care, through implementation of standardised paediatric “Code Stroke” protocols, to facilitate rapid diagnosis and treatment of stroke, and how the Melbourne Children’s campus is leading the way in changing practice nationally and improving outcomes for the youngest stroke survivors.

How qualitative methods can enhance your research

In this Grand Rounds, Danya and Lynn will show you the different ways that adding qualitative research methods to your project can benefit your research. They will describe different qualitative and mixed method approaches, and guest appearances by RCH and MCRI researchers will provide concrete examples of studies that have been enhanced using these methods. They will also show you step by step how to design a well-rounded project that incorporates qualitative methods.

Collaborating with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities to Promote Early Childhood Development

The STRONG kids, STRONG future team from the University of Melbourne’s Department of Paediatrics works in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, communities, and organisations to research, develop and implement culturally responsive tools that enhance developmental outcomes for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.  The STRONG kids, STRONG future team is excited to co-present with key partners from Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations our approach to advancing children’s health. We will describe how we have co-developed culturally responsive developmental instruments for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.  We will hear from our partners who will share their experience of collaborating on research projects, the importance of culturally responsive tools, implementation of these instruments in their settings and what works in partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. 

2024 Reddihough Symposium – Intellectual Disability: A Potentially Treatable Condition

The application of genomics has greatly increased the diagnosis of specific monogenic causes of intellectual
disability and improved our understanding of the neuronal processes that result in cognitive impairment.
Meanwhile, families are building rare disease communities and seeking disease-specific treatments to change
the trajectory of health and developmental outcomes for their children.

The Cleft Palate Initiative

Synopsis  Infants undergoing cleft palate surgery at the Royal Children’s Hospital are a unique subgroup. In 2015 Dr Bal Kaur conducted a retrospective audit of pain management of these infants and found substantially high pain and distress reported post operatively. Through a collaborative effort with Dr Geoff Frawley and other stakeholders, a formal quality improvement … Continued

NAIDOC Week: Wadja Walk-Through

Synopsis The Royal Children’s Hospital welcomes patients from all over our beautiful country for cardiac treatment, but we also acknowledge that this can be a frightening time for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and their families that can bring up feelings of fear, sadness, homesickness, and isolation. Many of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait … Continued

Paternal, social, and mental health perspectives on adolescent and adult male health

Synopsis To acknowledge the 30th anniversary of International Men’s Health Week, this Grand Round will be a panel discussion addressing the paternal, social, and mental health perspectives of men’s health, including fertility, health and wellbeing promotion, positive masculinity and the intergenerational influences on young people today.   Speakers Moderator: Professor David Amor is the Lorenzo … Continued

The Allied Health + Digital Health Intersection

In recognition of Allied Health Professions Day 2023, this year’s RCH Allied Health Grand Round explores future opportunities for Allied Health to harness and build upon digital learning and capability in the delivery of high-quality patient care. Going beyond the electronic medical record, our line-up of expert presenters will highlight the scope of digital health possibilities within allied health practice with a key focus on the themes of collaboration and co-design, audience reach and sustainability.

Vernon Collins Oration 2023 — Liana Buchanan, Children’s rights: progress and challenges

In this year’s oration, Liana Buchanan, will draw on what she sees in her role as Principle Commissioner and share her perspectives on the progress we have made for children in this state and the work yet to be done. We like to consider ourselves a society that values and nurtures children, but how well does that self-concept translate into practice, policy and investment? How well do we fare when it comes to realising children’s rights in Victoria?

VicHip: What makes this clinical registry so powerful?

The Victorian hip dysplasia registry (VicHip) is part of a transformative effort in Victoria to improve the diagnosis and treatment of hip dysplasia. In this Grand Round, four VicHip team members will speak about their approach, which includes a streamlined process for clinicians, integrated data systems, and stakeholder engagement and research. If you’re a health professional, researcher or parent looking for more information, tools and publications about hip dysplasia, this session will be a valuable resource.