Vernon Collins Oration 2023 — Liana Buchanan, Children’s rights: progress and challenges

Liana Buchanan has been Victoria’s Principal Commissioner for Children and Young People since 2016 and is also a part-time Commissioner of the Victorian Law Reform Commission.

In this year’s oration, Liana Buchanan, will draw on what she sees in her role as Principle Commissioner and share her perspectives on the progress we have made for children in this state and the work yet to be done. We like to consider ourselves a society that values and nurtures children, but how well does that self-concept translate into practice, policy and investment? How well do we fare when it comes to realising children’s rights in Victoria?

Liana has a long background in oversight and system reform for people experiencing disadvantage and those affected by family and sexual violence. As Principal Commissioner she is responsible for promoting children’s rights, regulating organisations that work with children to prevent child abuse, and monitoring services for children and young people including those in the out-of-home care, child protection and youth justice system.

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