IYDS commences 8th wave of data collection

The study commenced in 2002 with 3000 school students in Victoria, and 3000 in Washington, U.S. who were surveyed in school on an annual basis. In Victoria, the study has continued to follow participants from school into young adulthood.  We gratefully acknowledge each participant’s ongoing involvement which makes a vital contribution to increasing our understanding … Continued

Vinnie’s CEO sleepout

Professor Sawyer wishes to thank everyone who sponsored her in this event.

IYDS looks at bullying in schools

The International Youth Development Study has recently looked at data on bullying in schools as reported in “The Australian”.

Youth Homelessness Matters Day April 18 2012

Since 1991 The Royal Children’s Hospital Centre for Adolescent Health has facilitated a clinic for young homeless and marginalised people called the Young People’s Health Service.