The Missing Middle Webinar
Watch the webinar from our first virtual Catalysing Connections for Adolescent Health and Wellbeing event, ‘The Missing Middle: The Importance of the Middle Years’ on Thursday 15th October.
Watch the webinar from our first virtual Catalysing Connections for Adolescent Health and Wellbeing event, ‘The Missing Middle: The Importance of the Middle Years’ on Thursday 15th October.
The Justice Health Group has lodged a submission into the Inquiry into family, domestic and sexual violence. Read more here.
How do the 5 domains of #AdolescentWellbeing play a role in your life, or the lives of those around you? Read more here.
The CAH team wishes Charmaine happy retirement via Zoom….
The Australian Youth Taskforce is calling on young Australians to contribute ideas to the National Youth Policy Framework.
The Centre of Adolescent Health is once again partnering with the University of Melbourne to deliver an online course centered on Global Adolescent Health.
Justice Health Unit contributes to WHO COVID-19 guidance for young people deprived of liberty.
Men and boys account for 75 per cent of deaths from suicide, making them a key group for interventions, but an expanded national effort to prevent suicide demands that we have evidence of what actually works.
Evidence, Engagement, Access and Education – The Healthcare Workforce Speaks Out for Better Adolescent and Young Adult SRHR Provision in the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The Justice Health Unit is convening a series of six webinars on the theme of Building a sustainable, comprehensive response to COVID-19 in relation to detention.