Adolescent self-harm webinar

Thank you for joining the virtual Catalysing Connections for Adolescent Health and Wellbeing event, ‘Adolescent self-harm in the time of COVID-19’. Watch the recording here.

Out of Home Care forum

You’re invitied to the Create Foundation out-of-home care forum that gives the power to young people!

The Missing Middle Webinar

Watch the webinar from our first virtual Catalysing Connections for Adolescent Health and Wellbeing event, ‘The Missing Middle: The Importance of the Middle Years’ on Thursday 15th October.

Special seminar

Join us for a special zoom presentation, Wednesday 16 September at 2.30 pm as Dr Shilpa Aggarwal presents “Self-harm: Innovative solutions to a complex problem.”

COVID-19 and detention

The Justice Health Unit is convening a series of six webinars on the theme of Building a sustainable, comprehensive response to COVID-19 in relation to detention.

Catalysing Connections 2020

At this stage, we are still hoping to host two Catalysing Connections events in the latter half of 2020.