Celebrating International Youth Day

In celebration of International Youth Day, the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Centre for Adolescent Health, Burnet Institute and the Nossal Institute of Global Health will showcase their research in global adolescent health. Research for young people by young people.

Location: Cox & Walford seminar rooms, Level 5, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, 50 Flemington Road, Parkville, Victoria 3052

Time: 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm AEST with networking from 3:30pm

Date: Monday 12 August 2024

Delivery mode: Hybrid


Welcome & Presentations

1.00 – 2.15 pm AEST


  • Angelica Ojinnaka-Psillakis (Youth Advocate)
  • Zay Yar Swe (Program manager)

Centre for Adolescent Health

  • Luo Li (PhD candidate, and Youth Advocate), From Surviving to Thriving: Adolescent Wellbeing.
  • Dr Nandi Vijayakumar (Post Doctoral Researcher), Mental health impacts of youth social media use.


  • Zay Yar Swe (Program manager), Youth co-design of community-based mental health and psychosocial support in Myanmar.
  • Ana Orozco (Research Assistant), Co-Design with Young People: Empowering Voices through Collaborative Projects in Victoria, Australia.

Nossal Institute of Global Health

  • Gemma Tarpey-Brown (Research Assistant), Understanding the Impacts of Domestic and Family Violence on Immigrant and Refugee Children and Young People.
  • Dana Young (Research Fellow), Count Me In: a sports participation intervention promoting inclusion for young people from migrant backgrounds in Australia.

Presentation discussion & audience Q&A

2.15 – 3.00 pm AEST

Moderated by Angelica Ojinnaka (Youth Advocate) and Molly O’Sullivan (Youth Engagement coordinator)

3-minute thesis competition

3.00 – 3.30 pm AEST

  • Alya Hazfiarini, Provision of respectful maternal and newborn care in Indonesian adolescents.
  • Rui Deng, Accumulative effect of prepubertal overweight and obesity on puberty initiation: a trajectory analysis in Australian and Chinese children.
  • Philcy Philip, Strategies to Improve Oral Health among Children and Adolescents with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Rural India.
  • Dorjjantsan Ganbaatar, Queer Mongols: exploring health priorities, accessibilities, and barriers.
  • Alessandra Chinsen, Improving mental health outcomes for young transgender and gender diverse people using participatory research.

Networking and afternoon tea

3.30 – 4.30 pm AEST, Synapse Cafe, Level 5, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute.


This event has been financially supported by the supported by the Centre of Research Excellence (CRE) for Driving Global Investment in Adolescent Health and the Burnet Institute.






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