CAH 2022 wrap

Welcome to the ‘End of Year 2022’

This newsletter, our last for 2022, highlights our wonderful people, partnerships, projects, productivity – and policy influence. I feel so privileged to work with a passionate group of academic peers, early career researchers, research students and volunteers and wish to take this opportunity to thank them for their hard work and commitment to advancing adolescent health and wellbeing.

Professor George Patton and I have long described the Centre for Adolescent Health as a connecting hub, a virtual centre through which people to come together in different partnerships to achieve a critical mass of expertise that is pretty hard to find anywhere in the world. Our NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence for Driving Global Investment in Adolescent Health epitomises this, as it brings together senior researchers, early career academics, and research students from most states in Australia.

You may also have heard us talk about moving seamlessly from local to global and back again. We are a World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Adolescent Health. Indeed, for the past few years I have been honoured to co-chair the executive committee of the Australian Network of WHO Collaborating Centres. Over the past 3 decades, the Centre’s local research has greatly informed our international work. Yet it is equally apparent how much our global work also informs more local initiatives. In this newsletter, the research on school connectedness and Health Promoting Schools exemplifies these dynamic influences and I commend them to you.

Finally, I would like to thank those who have financially supported our work. We know how many organisations benefit from your support and greatly appreciate your trust in us. Do not hesitate to reach out to us if you would like to find out more about any of the people or projects highlighted here, or our broader work.

Wishing you joy and peace for the festive season.

Professor Susan Sawyer AM
Director, Centre for Adolescent Health

Some pictures from the end of the year CAH celebration














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