The Centre for Adolescent Health has been asked by the RCH executive to take the lead in a hospital-wide project to make the RCH better oriented to the health needs of young people.
Why? Technical advances in the prevention and treatment of previously fatal conditions in childhood have dramatically changed the profile of child health over the past 50 years. As a consequence, specialist paediatric services now manage large numbers of adolescents with highly complex healthcare needs. A recent report by the RCH is consistent with other Australian publications that highlight major concerns that the provision of quality (age-appropriate) healthcare to hospitalised adolescents is sorely lacking.
How? The RCH executive has requested the Centre for Adolescent Health to take the lead in assisting the hospital become more ‘Adolescent Friendly’ to improve the quality of care provided to this age group. Consistent with the vision and values of the three campus partners (RCH, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute and the University of Melbourne), we have explicitly set out to use the strongest research and evaluation principles in order that we can influence the evidence base around ‘Adolescent Friendly’ services. The development of a survey measure for adolescents and parents means that consumer
perspectives, as well as literature and practice wisdom, will drive this project. We believe that this is a world ‘first’!