Next Steps for Adolescent Health

photo georgeAdolescents and young adults make up over a quarter of the global population. They are also considered the most pervasively neglected group in global health. Yet a quiet revolution is now bringing recognition that adolescents are central to almost every major challenge in global health. Bringing greater visibility to adolescents and their health has been an important facet of that recognition, which Professor George Patton has done much to promote.

Professor Patton was recently at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation in Seattle, Washington, where he presented a symposium titled ‘Next Steps for Adolescent Health’ (hotlink to The presentation tracked progress in our understandings of adolescent health and major influences on health over these years. It also addressed currently available global data, gaps, and potential solutions.

The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation is responsible for the Global Burden of Disease Study which will play an important role in the new Lancet Commission on Adolescent Health and Well-being  and in guiding the development of better health information systems for this age group.

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