An introduction to economic modelling

Synopsis: Adolescent health can be improved when evidence-based interventions are provided to those who need them. However, demonstrating that interventions are effective, acceptable and feasible to implement is not always enough to have them adopted by governments or other agencies. This is because governments need to make choices about what to fund in the context of constrained budgets, and must consider whether spending money on an intervention represents better value than spending that money somewhere else. A major objective of economic analyses is to generative evidence to support these funding decisions, which is critical for this final step to impact: taking effective, acceptable and feasible interventions and having them funded. This session went into details about the types of evidence government’s use when considering funding decisions, how economic analyses can be included in research to make sure this important final step is considered, and some examples from adolescent health.

Questions this event addressed

  • What are the benefits of conducting economic analyses
  • What are the different types of economic analyses that can be conducted, and the strengths and limitations of each
  • What are some challenges in conducting economic analyses
  • How can economic analyses be embedded in research projects

Speaker: Associate Professor Nick Scott

Associate Professor Nick Scott is the Head of Modelling & Biostatistics at the Burnet Institute. He has more than a decade of experience in economic modelling, working with governments in Australia and internationally, as well as the World Bank, UNICEF and UNFPA, to generate evidence to support investment decisions.

Date: Thursday 5 September 2024

Time: 1:00 to 2:00 pm AEST

Format: Online

Presentation slides: Adolescent injury burden and prevention – global to local perspectives slides

Event recording

Advancing Adolescent Health in the Asia Pacific: A virtual community to share knowledge and support collaboration

Despite one in two of the world’s adolescents living in the Asia-Pacific region, adolescent health is a relatively new field of endeavour in Australia as well as the region. It is a field that spans policy makers from multiple sectors, researchers from different disciplines, and practitioners working in health services, schools and communities and encompasses a multitude of health topics and concerns. Despite this, there are few opportunities to come together to share, showcase and build capacity to improve adolescent health and wellbeing in the region.

This seminar series aims to provide opportunities for researchers, policy makers, practitioners, implementers, young advocates – indeed, anyone interested in the health and wellbeing of adolescents – to enhance their understanding of adolescent health and wellbeing, with a focus on research.

This series is supported by the Centre of Research Excellence for Driving Global Investment in Adolescent HealthLed by a team at the Centre for Adolescent Health, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, it brings together leading Australian research groups including the University of Melbourne, Burnet Institute, University of New South Wales, University of Queensland, University of South Australia, and the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute.

Read more about the series here

Next session

Data linkage – what it is and how it can be useful 

Synopsis: TBC

Speakers: Professor Stuart Kinner and Lindsay Pearce

Date: Thursday 3 October

Time: 1:00 to 2:00 pm AEST

Format: Online




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