New wave for VIHCS

2000 Stories: Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study (VIHCS) is launching the next exciting phase of their research study.

From February 2023, the VIHCS team will be contacting study participants and their teenagers, as they turn 15 years old, for the fifth wave of VIHCS.

This is an exciting opportunity to interview the teenagers at the same age as their parents were when they began in the Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study (VAHCS) – back in 1992 – allowing the research team to understand how adolescence in the parent group in the 1990s differs from that of their children, in the 2020s.

We hope that the information collected during this stage of the study will significantly improve our understanding of how to best promote the health and wellbeing of the next generation of Australians.

2000 Stories studies investigates mental and physical health problems and risk behaviours in the adolescent to young adulthood transition, and whether pre-conception factors can predict child and parental outcomes into childhood in the next generation.

2000 Stories: The Victorian Adolescent Health Cohort Study (VAHCS) is a population-based longitudinal cohort study that began in 1992 with over 2,000 14-16-year-old students selected from over 44 schools across Victoria. This group has been followed up 11 times since 1992, including six times at six-monthly intervals during their adolescence (Waves 1-6) and five times in adulthood (Waves 7-11), with measures of mental and physical health, substance use, behaviour and social context.

2000 Stories: The Victorian Intergenerational Health Cohort Study (VIHCS) is a concurrent, nested study investigating preconception predictors of child outcomes of offspring born to VAHCS participants.  Between 2006-2013, 665 VAHCS families with 1030 eligible children were recruited into VIHCS. Since 2006, families in VIHCS have been followed up four times including during pregnancy (Wave 1), and then when their child was 8 weeks old (Wave 2), at one year of age (Wave 3) and most recently, when they were eight years of age (Wave 4). This most recent wave concluded in 2021 and was the first to include the child as well as their parent doing a survey.

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