We are delighted to celebrate with our Adolescent Health and Wellbeing graduates for 2019.
The class of 2019 is diverse. They are adolescent specialists in: school nursing, hospital based nursing, social work, homelessness, adolescent and young adult cancer care, youth work, doctors, paediatricians, teachers, school wellbeing, NGO, drug and alcohol, youth mental health, youth justice, and teaching at TAFE.
Our graduates demonstrate the ethos of the course: young people’s health and wellbeing is everybody’s business, and we are about building capacity across the sector.
Congratulations Jac, Christine, Sarah, Kate, Sarah, Jessica, Vanessa, Nicola, Sarah, Yovanna, Amber, Amy, Jessica, Allana, Joshua, Hayden, Devorah, Njeri, Emma and Robert.
You join 660 past graduates to become AHW alumni. We are always delighted to meet our students, and so are proud of our graduates as powerful change agents in the world.
All parts of the community have a role to play in adolescent health and wellbeing. Our course alumni explain it like this:
“The most significant change is the confidence that I have in my current position… working with adolescents is similar but very different. I was working in a school and this course provided me with evidence-based practice which I could apply with confidence, without having to question if I was doing the right thing. I could implement strategies at an appropriate age level.”
“I felt I needed more training. The course helped me better understand adolescence. I was reading up on research, and using evidence-based theories on adolescent thinking, adolescent development, young people’s experience of classes and schooling, and their experience of social media and so on. It helped with my understanding…”
“It can give you a language to advocate for the people you work with and to present the work that you do, it also can provide useful frameworks. I found it led me to read more and look more closely at the evidence…”
Congratulations and thank you.
Dr Ani Wierenga
Academic Coordinator, Adolescent Health and Wellbeing
Centre for Adolescent Health | Melbourne Medical School