Winter is here, and it’s almost that time of the year again. Time?
Time to enrol in the University of Melbourne’s (and the Centre’s) Global Adolescent Health short course! 😊
Hang on, what exactly is this about and why should I care? It’s simple – the Global Adolescent Health course is taught by two leading academics from the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute – Centre for Adolescent Health; Professor’s Susan Sawyer and George Patton, with lots of amazing and knowledgeable guest speakers. Ok, now you’ve really got my attention.
If that wasn’t exciting enough, just wait until you hear about the course content! You’ll learn about the social determinants of adolescent health, how the changes that occur during adolescence and puberty affect the brain, you’ll be discussing major health and social issues that affect young people globally (major risky behaviours) and even how we can aim to improve on investing in the healthcare for 25% of the world’s population – youth!
And if didn’t get any better than that. It’s only 6-8 weeks (approx. 22 hours of study) to complete. 6-8 weeks of online video lectures, discussions, quizzes and written work. You’ll never be late for a lecture again because 8:30 AM is just too early get out of your warm bed.
Monday 30th July is the commencement date for this course. Save the date and click here to find out more or to enrol.
Course structure
Week 1&2 – Introduction to adolescent health: developmental and ecological perspectives
- Briefing with Susan Sawyer with interviews from Dr Judith Diers (USA), Prof Craig Jeffrey (UK/Aus), Prof Rima Afifi (Lebanon/USA), and Baroness Susan Greenfield (UK).
- Week 3&4 – Major health problems of adolescents
- Briefing with George Patton with interviews from Dr Susan Kasedde (USA), Vikram Patel (India / UK), Sarah Soysa (Sri Lanka), and Prof Zulfiqar Bhutta (Canada / Pakistan).
- Week 5&6 – Adolescent health policy, programming and intervention
- Briefing with Susan Sawyer with interviews from Yeeli Mui (USA), Prof Harish Pemde (India), A/Prof Fadia AlBuhairan (Saudi Arabia), Kikelomo Taiwo (USA/Nigeria), and Dakshita Wickremarathne (Sri Lanka).
- Weeks 7&8 – Do not feature any new course material and are for the development, submission and peer marking of the second written assignment for those wishing to do so.
- Briefing with George Patton.