Youth Homelessness Matters Day April 18 2012

On any given night in Australia 105,000 people are homeless and nearly half of these are under the age of 25.

Youth Homelessness Matters Day aims to raise public awareness about youth homelessness and celebrate the resilience of young people who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness in Australia.

The majority of homeless young people generally experience secondary homelessness. This means that homeless young people are more likely to be:

a young person in school who is sleeping on friends’ couches and moving from friend to friend

a young person in a youth shelter who is on income support; or

a young person who is in an apprenticeship or traineeship who is living in a tent

a young person or child who is accompanying a parent who is escaping domestic violence

any young person who is living OUT OF HOME WITHOUT CARE.

… young people do not choose homelessness



Reality, many young people become homeless due to family breakdown, family violence and child abuse.

The Royal Children’s Hospital has since 1991 facilitated a clinic for young homeless and marginalised people called the Young People’s Health Service. For more information visit Centre for Adolescent Health : Young People’s Health Service


Homelessness Matters Day is part of National Youth Week

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