Invergowrie Foundation guest speaker

Dr Rony Duncan was guest speaker at the recent 20th Anniversary of the Invergowrie Foundation.

Rony is the current recipient of a post-doctoral Fellowship from the Invergowie Foundation.

This is a significant contribution to the continuation of Rony’s research into young people and medical confidentiality with the Centre for Adolescent Health at the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute.

“Not only have they been providing fellowships to women at the Centre for 6 years now, but they also fund a spectacular Adolescent-Health Rural-Linkage Program, which has been running since 2006, and has trained 50 women from all over Victoria in adolescent health.”  

Read Rony Duncan’s speech.

Professor Susan Sawyer (Director, Centre for Adolescent Health, Dr Rony Duncan, Ms Alison Smith (Executive Director and Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Invergowie Foundation), Mrs Carolyn Anderson
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