Aluminations October 2021
Turning Points in Paediatrics
Turning Points in Paediatrics
Jane Tanner was introduced bt Dr Garry Warne and gave an outstanding talk to a group of members and guests (registrations for the meeting numbering around thirty). Her talk focussed on how illustrations in a book may be seen by children of different ages. She spoke about the books for children that she had illustrated … Continued
The wonderful world of Ants
John Court AM FRACP 24 Sep 1929 – July 2nd 2021 The President and Executive were saddened to learn of the recent death of Dr John Court AM after a long illness. It is impossible to summarise all of John’s great achievements, however he will be particularly remembered for his work in the field of … Continued
Robert Gregory (Bob) Birrell OAM (09/05/33 – 23/06/21) The President and Executive were saddened to learn of the death this week of Bob Birrell. Bob was a paediatrician at the RCH and a neonatal paediatrician at The Royal Women’s and at St Vincent’s Hospital early in his career and then set up as a part … Continued
Engineering Tissues: Biomaterial Strategies to Prevent Infection and Promote Repair Professor Andrea O’Connor Thursday May 6th Approximately 20 members and guests joined the Zoom gathering for an excellent talk by Engineer Prof Andrea O’Connor. The meeting was opened by the President of the Alumni Ms Ruth Wraith OAM who introduced the speaker. Professor O’Connor, who … Continued
The first Aluminar for 2021 took place on Thursday March 4th via Zoom Approximately 40 members and guests were present for an excellent talk by historian Dr Ross Jones.The meeting was opened by the President of the Alumni Ms Ruth Wraith OAM and the speaker was introduced by the Vice President Prof Jim Wilkinson … Continued