Recording of Professor Nigel Curtis’ aluminar now available

We were lucky enough to hear Prof. Nigel Curtis give his talk to us today entitled “To ChatGPT or not to ChatGPT?” As usual Nigel didn’t disappoint with a wonderful talk that was truly enlightening as well as entertaining.  You can see his talk here:  

Richard Broome’s Aluminar recording now available

On the 12th September Richard Broome gave a wonderful talk about the Making of Melbourne and the Royal Victorian Historical Society’s Remembering Melbourne. You can listen to his talk here:

Vernon Collins Oration 2nd November 2022

The Vernon Collins Oration, entitled “From Paternalism to Partnership – the Opportunity for Indigenous Health Research” was delivered on November 2nd by Prof Jonathan Carapetis AM, Executive Director of the Telethon Kids Institute in Perth, Western Australia. With passion and humility he outlined the problems and the successes of working with Australia’s First Peoples when … Continued

Recording of Jim Tibballs’ talk now available

The third Aluminar of 2022. On September 16th we had the opportunity to listen to a presentation by A/Prof Jim Tibballs entitled “Lemons, Limes and bitter outcomes for the French Navy”. This was based on his recent PhD thesis, in French, on the subject, which explored the differing rates of acceptance of a new anti-scurvy … Continued