Learn About Butterflies Day

Did you know that our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) provides care for babies from Victoria, interstate and overseas? With up to 851 admissions each year, our NICU provides the best neonatal care for babies with a wide range of complex medical and surgical problems.

Brave Hannah’s happy to help

Hannah Bradley hands the nurse an alcohol wipe and holds her plastic IV line still, ready for it to be changed.

Hospital guardians: Meet the team keeping the community safe

In honour of International Women’s Day, we recognise three women who have played a vital role at the RCH over the past year – Kate O’Donaghue, Jane Tomlinson and Kareena Johnson from our Infection Prevention & Control team.

Raya receives revolutionary treatment

Beginning her new cancer treatment earlier this week, 11-year-old Raya joined a small group of Australian children who have received CAR-T therapy.

Champions for Children: Meet Laboratory Services Director Dr Helen

Not all of our #ChampionsforChildren work directly with patients however the work that they do is vital to the health of our patients and community. This week we sat down with Dr Helen Savoia, Director of Laboratory Services to find out why she wanted to study medicine and what she would say to anyone wanting to study science. 

A milestone that tugs at the heart strings

For many patients and families in our community, organ donation means a second chance at life. Thanks to the incredible generosity of many families, the RCH has recently had the privilege of performing its 200th heart transplant.

The RCH welcomes its next generation

This week the RCH welcomed its next generation of doctors and nurses with 186 new Junior Medical Staff and 42 graduate nurses starting on Monday. We stopped by to visit new arrival Dr Ena to find out how she ended up in medicine and what the year 2020 taught her.