A guide to managing overweight and obesity in children

A report released today by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has revealed that one in four children are overweight or obese.

The report, Overweight and obesity in Australia: a birth cohort analysis, uses historical data to determine a person’s likelihood of being obese based on their year of birth. By looking at obesity in this way, we are able to better understand whether the generation a person is born into may put them at greater risk of obesity.

The Royal Children’s Hospital’s specialist Weight Management Clinic is made up of specialist doctors, a clinic nurse, a social worker, a dietitian, and a psychologist. We also have the input of many other specialised staff members who are involved in research projects that are looking into childhood overweight and obesity.

The expert team has developed a fantastic guide for weight management, which includes things like correct portion sizes, how to tell if your child is overweight, and things you can adopt health habits for healthy bodies and weight.

Download the RCH’s Weight management: A guide to managing overweight and obesity in children and teenagers

The RCH National Child Health Poll, due to be released on December 5, will reveal its latest findings around nutrition and children.

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