Meet Edie

Little Edie was born with gastroschisis, a life threatening condition where her intestines were on the outside of her body.

Before her parents could even cuddle her, Edie was rushed to the RCH for lifesaving care and surgery. The damage to Edie’s intestines was so severe, she underwent two operations and spent the first seven months of her life at the RCH.

Although Edie is now home and recently celebrated her first birthday, she still needs specialised care. She has a feeding tube and a line through her neck to give her nutrients.

Edie will need RCH care for many years to come, but if you met her today, you would never know the trauma she has been through.

If you’d like to support children like Edie as part of our Christmas fundraising campaign, you can donate now at

One comment for “Meet Edie”

  1. Paul Mifsud

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