RCH to RMH Transition Consumer Forum 2015

RChAdolescentTransition from children’s to adult health services is an important milestone, requiring considerable thought and planning between you, as patients and parents/carers, and your paediatric and adult healthcare teams. You may be at different stages of the transition process at the RCH or may have transferred to the RMH for your ongoing care.

The RCH and the RMH, including senior Doctors, Nurses, Allied Health staff, Directors, Administrators and Consumer Group Representatives, are working together to improve the way young people transition and transfer between our hospitals.

We value your involvement and invite you to share your thoughts and experiences at this special RCH to RMH Transition Consumer Forum. Here, you will also have the opportunity to hear about the work we are doing to improve transition and meet other young people and their families.

When: Tuesday November 24th 6.00 to 8.00pm

Where: The Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation Room, 2nd Floor 48 Flemington Road, RCH (entrance to lifts opposite hotel reception)

Cost: Free (light refreshments will be provided)

Your feedback is important to us and will help to shape the way our hospitals deliver transition care to best meet the needs of young people and their families.

If you have any queries regarding this event or would like to RSVP by the 17th November, please email Evelyn Culnane or James Gerrish.

We look forward to welcoming you to this special event.

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