Vale Ian Torode

Ian-Torode-197x278It is with deep regret that the we announce the passing of our esteemed colleague, Director of Orthopaedics Ian Torode, on Sunday 9 August 2015, at the Epworth Hospital after a short illness.

Ian Torode was a master clinician, a gifted surgeon and a friend and mentor to a generation of orthopaedic surgeons.

He loved the children that he cared for and was loved in return. Ian Torode was trusted by the parents of the children he cared for and highly regarded by the staff of the RCH Orthopaedic Department, his medical colleagues, nursing staff and allied health staff.

Ian served The Royal Children’s Hospital and the Victorian community for 30 years; he will be missed with sadness and remembered with deep affection.

Our heartfelt thoughts and deepest condolences are with his wife Lyn and sons Robbie and Tim.


135 comments for “Vale Ian Torode”

  1. Janelle Furlonge

    I have just found out this tragic news on Ian. Ian was my son’s surgeon who operated on him back in 2013. He was a loving, cheerful and fantastic surgeon who will be dearly missed by many people all over the world. He has touched and changed so many lives and we cant thank him enough.My deepest condolences to his family. xx

  2. Lisa and Charlie Krakouer

    I am so sorry to hear of the passing of Ian, Ian had looked after My son Charlie for many many years and we had so much trust in his opinions and his knowledge and experience . His repor with the children was so caring and fun , he will be missed greatly , my condolences to his family❤️

  3. Angela Jordan

    It is with much sadness that I learned of the passing of Ian Torode. My 9 year old son together with myself, had an appointment just weeks prior to Ian’s death. He had a wonderful reputation as a surgeon and teacher and made my son and I feel totally at ease.

  4. Karen And Jakob Taylor

    I have just found out this devastating news while determining when my sons big operation will be. We have been under Ian’s care for the last 12/13 years, he was a wonderful man and surgeon and has always made my son feel at ease for every appointment and operation that he’s been thru. My heart and prayers to his family, he will be deeply missed.

  5. Jim & Alana Goodwin

    We have just heard the very sad news on Mr Torode’s passing. He cared for our son James for nearly 15 years and it was with deep sorrow that we hear of his untimely death. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. A great man who will be sorely missed.

  6. Susy Dixon

    Mr Torode was my surgeon for many years, I was so sad to hear of his passing. He was such a kind, compassionate man with the patience of a saint. I know that I must have tested him over the years! My deepest sympathy and regards for Mr Torode’s family, he will be missed by many.

  7. Sharon O'Neill

    I have just heard the news of Dr Ian Torose’s passing and am deeply saddened. His loss will be a great one, not only for his family and those close to him, but for the countless people whose lives he touched. His expert surgery changed my daughter’s life and in the process mine. I will be eternally grateful to him for his skill, kindness and heartfelt compassion. He was a true gentleman.

  8. Luke Renko

    I was only 1 day old when Ian first meet me
    I consider myself very lucky to of been in his care for 19 years
    It was only today I found out about his unfortunate passing
    He was an extremely talented man, he will be sadly missed

  9. Nikki Murray

    My condolences to the family of Dr Ian Torode. His name still sticks in my mind 18 years later after he completed spinal surgery on my back for scoliosis. I still remember his caring nature and are so grateful that he fixed my back and I have not had serious complications since. I wish I had the chance to say thank you in person. RIP.

  10. Jayden O'Halloran

    My condolences. His memory and presence will live on for those who have been fortunate to know him, whether that is his fellow peers, surgeons and patients.

    Although he was not my surgeon when I had spinal surgery in March 2008 to correct my scoliosis, he was the first specialist I saw and although the memories seeing him were incredibly vague, he will be remembered for many years and many generations to come. He leaves a magnificent legacy and those surgeons who have been lucky to have been taught by him, know they were being taught by the best in Australia, if not the world.

  11. Melissa

    I have only found out this very sad news today. I have not seen Dr Tarode in many years, but have such fond memories of him. I had spinal surgery back in November 1994. I’m so saddened by this news, what an amazing, talented & caring man Dr Tarode was. And a real character, I always looked forward to my appointments with him. If only there were more like you, one in a million.

  12. David Pryse

    My family has also just learned of the passing of Mr Ian Torode, not only a great surgeon, but a truly caring and great human, being whose positive contribution to such a vast number of lives Is immeasurable.

    The respect, care, commitment and genuine compassion showed to my son and my family for the past fifteen years is beyond imagination, we are deeply shocked and extremely saddened at the passing of a wonderful man and human being, whom we grew to love throughout the years for the dedication he applied to our sons treatment.
    It is very rare to praise and honor another human being, however I do so unreservedly with Ian, and as we all feel now, if only we had the chance again to let him know how much he meant to our lives.
    Vale Mr Ian Torode, your legacy is beyond words or tribute.

  13. jasmine fitzgerald

    Just found out today about Ian torode passing it came as a major shock to myself and saddens me greatly, he was my surgeon/doctor since I was 2 and a half and I am now almost 19 he would always draw smiley faces on my leg and he also had really awesome ties and he always made people laugh especially me, I owe my life to him because he saved me and he was a wonderful man and he will be very dearly missed, thank you for everything you have done for me it means so much.

  14. Rachel Lee

    I found out today about the passing of Mr Ian Torode, the news deeply shocked and saddened me. I will always fondly remember my time at the RCH. It was my last operation with Mr Ian Torode that was life changing and for that I’m forever grateful.
    The flowing tributes and stories from his patients and their families is a testament of how many lives he touched and changed for the better. The legacy that he leaves behind will not be forgotten.

  15. lee

    I literally just found out the news about Dr Ian Torode and I am devastated.
    He was my surgeon from a very young age up until i was out of my teens and I was just looking him up to see him say thankyou once more and pick his brain for more information on my condition
    I cant thank him enough and im sure there are plenty of other people out there who feel just the same
    He changed lives and he improved mine from what it could have been
    Thankyou Ian for everything

  16. Matt Reid

    I also only just found out about this sad news. I have been a patient of his, and only 4 days ago celebrated the 15th anniversary of an operation that literally saved my life- arranged by Mr Ian Torode and his staff. After much deliberation and a preparation procedure performed at RCH in early in 2000 he arranged to send me to Germany where a colleague (Jurgen Harms) performed critical surgery on my upper spine. Mr Torode managed things after I returned to Australia and was a very caring kind professional man who I will miss very much. Thank you for giving me the life I otherwise would not have had.

  17. Steve

    I echo the comments here.

    As a longterm patient of his from the days of Royal Children’s Hospital I was devastated to hear of his passing.

    Not just a highly skilled surgeon his caring manner touched patients and their families.

    I hope in time, the grief of his family, friends and colleagues can be reduced by understanding wonderful and positive impact he had on so many lives.

    Thank you.

  18. Teresa

    My saddest condolences ,
    he was a good man that took care of my son from when he was born and is now 16 years old . He will be missed by many so sad to hear .

  19. Jessica Gooley

    I just went to get a new referral for a follow up with Mr Torode and was shocked to find out of his passing. He was such a lovely, kind and caring man who always made you feel so safe. I always remember going into his rooms before my surgery with biggest smile on my face without a care in the world because he always made you feel like everything was going to be okay. I will sadly miss going to visit him for my follow ups.

  20. Danielle Rehfeldt

    When I first met Ian Torode it was in his capacity as Orthopaedic Surgeon at the Royal Melbourne Children’s Hospital. He (and his team) took such wonderful care of my son every step of the way throughout his time in RMCH and at subsequent annual clinics at the Royal Hobart Hospital. Not until I heard of his sad passing did I realise how important he was to me: without his calm assurance, sense of humour and skilled translations of the medical into lay language for an anxious mother (not to mention his exceptional surgical skills), I would not have been as well equipped to support my son through his experience of scoliosis. I consider that he was treating two people in that time! He will hold a special place in our hearts always. Thinking of his family, team and all those whose lives are better for having known him.

  21. Gemma

    Dr Torode operated on my spine three times between my seventeenth and twenty second birthdays, at RCH and later Epworth. I can only echo the many sentiments here in saying that he was an incredibly compassionate, intelligent man who made some pretty terrible experiences for me much more bearable with his sense of humour, kindness, and the absolute trust i placed in him. He was such a lovely, gentle man. RIP Doc, I’ll certainly never forget you.

  22. Wayne Morrow

    Ian , you were an absoulte Gem

  23. Alison Burriss

    I was deeply saddened to find out today that Mr Torode had passed away. He was a beautiful person & being his oldest patient in 1994 I have nothing but praise & gratitude for taking me on & remarkabley leading the way in the new treatment of leg legnthing that he performed on me. His manner was such a soft & gentle one. I will be forever in debt the you. RIP I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU

  24. Sanchia Aranda

    Vale Ian Torode. Watched your skill as a nurse and then as the mother of a child born with a limb deficiency. Your compassionate straight talk normalised things for us and made a big impression on our little boy.

  25. Bronwyn Watts

    Just talking about a great doctor, to help a friend who’s daughter has club feet just like my daughter Alisha did 27years ago, and reading of his passing. Im in shock. Mr Torode was a kind and gentle man who always called Alisha ‘rabbit’. He cared for her for at least 3years. Sadly missed.

  26. Emma

    Ian was the best doctor I’ve ever had. I was the patient who would be a little smart allic and he loved it. I had an appointment with him a week before he passed and we wished him the very best for his sugary! The last appointment I had with him I was playing around with his big giraffe toy he has, he told me I could get changed again but I was just enjoying sitting in his office with the giraffe. No one can replace the amazing Ian Torode I miss him dearly and I have a mini version of his giraffe to remember him, I keep him with my back braces because he was the reason I even got a back brace. I love him and miss him lots, such a wonderful surgeon will never be forgotten! ❤️

  27. Richard Davis

    A truly great man, I will never forget him.

  28. Joana

    Dr Torode was honestly the best surgeon I could’ve possibly had to perform my spine surgery, when I was only 14 years old. He will be missed, he was such a great man and my heart goes out to his family and friends. ❤️❤️

  29. Brad

    I am deeply saddened to only read today the passing of Dr Ian Torode. He changed my life for the better having eliminated my back pain after we tried everything before surgery. It was over 25 years ago when I was operated on (spinal fusion) as a kid. During diagnosis, surgery and checkups he knew my mum and I had travelled a long way so as soon as he saw us outside his office we tended to always be welcomed in next. I will always remember our first meeting and him saying most people referred to him as Dr Toad – as a kid this bought a smile to my face. I am glad I bumped into him at Lorne a few years ago and had the opportunity to thank him for my pain free years. I will always be greatful. Thank you for improving my way of life and making things somewhat normal again. Rest in peace Dr Toad – I am sure I am one among many whose lives you improved.

  30. carmelite Benson

    I just found out about this sad passing . He was a good to me. He help me with my back 7 years ago..he be miss .I think of u lots

  31. tom c

    one of the most kindest people i had the privillage of veing looked after him on many ocassions. even from a young age he treated and even tbroufh my parents had the say he always spoke to me not about mem his beside manner was second to none.

  32. Danielle Colombi

    One of the most caring, kindest people I have ever known, and the best surgeon by far. He cured my back pain when I was diagnosed with an aggressive tumour back in 2003. I would not be alive if it weren’t for him, I really wish I could’ve met him again to say thank you.

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